Featured Post by Evan Katz:Is It Harder For Attractive Women to Trust Men?

14 Jul

Way to go Evan!  This blog post is 100% accurate and very well written.  I would love to hear comments on this one!

If you’re an attractive woman who has spent countless hours wondering whether a man is interested in you or just interested in sex, I feel your pain. It’s a conundrum that pervades your entire life and shades your entire view of men and dating. And although this is rarely done in the mass media (wait, YourTango IS mass media, right?) today, I’m going heap some sympathy on the pretty girl.

Click here to read more.


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Posted by on July 14, 2010 in Sex & Dating


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6 responses to “Featured Post by Evan Katz:Is It Harder For Attractive Women to Trust Men?

  1. KCKool

    July 14, 2010 at 2:54 pm

    I love this article, but personally I would have chosen a more attractive woman for the article picture!


  2. Franklin Evans

    July 14, 2010 at 9:05 pm

    I have three sisters, two daughters and three nieces, so I have a bit of a stake in how they are treated in general as well as by the men in their lives. So, while the following question is a blunt, I really do want to find an answer that makes sense.

    Why is it always and just the pretty girl and the “fat girl”? I’m 54, I’ve been around the US and a couple of foreign countries in my time, and the pretty ones (the ones I think you mean, who might end up replacing the woman in that picture) and the “fat ones” are the few and far between extremes.

    My opinion, not humble because I’ve been close to some women who had intense issues here, one of whom did not recover from anorexia, is that the vast majority of women in between might appreciate some common sense commentary on what it means to be attractive.

    My personal opinion, take it as you wish: In a room with a drop-dead beautiful woman and an average woman, I may take along, appreciative look at the beautiful one, but I’ll be more likely to strike up a conversation with the average one.

    And I don’t mind saying about too many of my fellows out there, that a woman who is that attractive shouldn’t be paranoid, but is well-advised to start with that minimal trust she would offer a total stranger, and proceed cautiously from there. My question is to you, but I damn well include men in it as well, because they own at least half the problem.


    • KCKool

      July 15, 2010 at 10:21 am

      Thank you Franklin for your well-thought out and detailed comment!


  3. John249

    July 15, 2010 at 11:46 pm

    Very nice site! is it yours too


    • KCKool

      July 20, 2010 at 4:31 pm

      Thank you John for your comments! Yes, this is my personal site and I’m glad you like it!


  4. John249

    July 15, 2010 at 11:46 pm

    Very nice site! is it yours too



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